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Buy Civilization VI Anthology
The ultimate entry point for gamers new to one of the greatest strategy game series of all time. Explore new land, research technology, conquer your enemies, and go head-to-head with historical leaders as you lead your civilization from rocks to rockets.
Select Platform: Steam
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Key Features
See the marvels of your empire spread across the map like never before. Cities are now living things, occupying multiple tiles on the map as they grow.
Unlock tech boosts that speed your civilization’s progress through history. Everything from special achievements to chance discoveries can advance your civilization by leaps and bounds.
Interactions with other civilizations change over the course of the game, from primitive first interactions where conflict is a fact of life, to late-game alliances and complex negotiations.
As your civilization ebbs and flows, and you reach milestone Historic Moments, you will move towards Dark Ages or Golden Ages, with challenges or bonuses to match.
Shape the earth itself by building canals, dams, tunnels and railroads. When settling cities, consider the flood risk to coastal lowland areas, but keep in mind that in the late-game, new technologies like Flood Barriers can be used to protect these tiles.
Volcanoes, storms (blizzards, sandstorms, tornados, hurricanes), floods, and droughts bring the world to life like never before. Your settlement choices are more important than ever as you balance high risks with high rewards.
Recruit, appoint, and upgrade powerful characters with unique specialization bonuses and promotion trees to customize your cities, and reinforce Loyalty.
A new era has been added to the Technology and Civics trees. Combat new environmental effects with speculative ideas such as relocating your population out to seasteads and developing technologies to recapture carbon emissions.
In addition to traditional multiplayer modes, cooperate and compete with your friends in a wide variety of situations all designed to be easily completed in a single session.
Cities now have Loyalty to your empire – let it fall too low, and face rebel units and a potential declaration of independence. But one civilization’s loss can be your gain - attract new cities to peacefully join your empire by inspiring Loyalty among your rivals.
Game Details
Civilization VI is a historical strategy game with one goal: build an empire to stand the test of time. Explore new land, research technology, conquer your enemies, and go head-to-head with historical leaders as you lead your civilization from rocks to rockets.
Created by legendary game designer Sid Meier, Civilization is one of the most acclaimed and influential game franchises in strategy game history. In this most recent entry, you have more ways than ever to engage with your world. Leaders now pursue agendas inspired by their real-life counterparts. Cities now physically expand across the map, creating new strategic possibilities through the game as you pursue one of five ways to achieve victory.
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI Anthology is the ultimate entry point for gamers new to one of the greatest strategy game series of all time. Explore new land, research technology, conquer your enemies, and go head-to-head with historical leaders as you lead your civilization from rocks to rockets. The Civilization VI Anthology includes all of the Civilization VI content released, including the Sid Meier’s Civilization VI game, six DLC packs*, the Rise and Fall and Gathering Storm expansions, and the full New Frontier Pass content pack.
*Individual DLC and Expansions may be sold separately. If you already own any Civilization VI standalone content, do not buy this product or you will be double-charged for content.
The Sid Meier’s Civilization VI Anthology is the complete Civilization VI experience:
CIVILIZATION VI: RISE AND FALL: The Rise and Fall expansion brings new choices, strategies, and challenges for players as they guide a civilization through the ages. The expansion introduces new game mechanics including Great Ages and Governors, expands existing Diplomacy and Government systems, and adds 8 civilizations, 9 leaders, and many new units, districts, wonders, and buildings. Can you lead your people into a Golden Age of prosperity? Or will your empire face the challenges of a Dark Age?
CIVILIZATION VI: GATHERING STORM: Explore an active planet in an expansion that introduces climate changes for the first time in series history. Contend with natural disasters and other new Environmental Effects, complete great Engineering Projects, and manage electrical power and consumable resources. Gathering Storm also introduces a World Congress and a new Diplomatic Victory condition. With an entire new era added to the Technology and Civics trees, as well as new civilizations, leaders, units, and buildings, Gathering Storm offers a tremendous amount of content for Civilization players.
NEW FRONTIER PASS: Continue your quest to build the world’s greatest empire with the Civilization VI - New Frontier Pass, which introduces 6 new game modes for the first time in series history. Play with recruitable heroes from history and myth, dialed-up natural disasters in Apocalypse Mode, or secret societies that can enhance or undermine your empire. This content pack also features 8 new civilizations and 9 new leaders, as well as a heavy slate of new units, buildings, wonders, and more.
and six additional leader and scenario DLC packs!
Anthology Contents: Sid Meier’s Civilization VI Civilization VI: Rise and Fall expansion Civilization VI: Gathering Storm expansion Civilization VI – Poland Civilization & Scenario Pack Civilization VI – Vikings Scenario Pack Civilization VI – Australia Civilization & Scenario Pack Civilization VI – Persia and Macedon Civilization & Scenario Pack Civilization VI – Nubia Civilization & Scenario Pack Civilization VI – Khmer and Indonesia Civilization & Scenario Pack Civilization VI - New Frontier Pass
Supported Languages
System Requirements
- OS Windows 7 SP1
- Processor Intel Core i3 2.5 Ghz or AMD Phenom II 2.6 Ghz or greater
- Memory 4 GB RAM
- Graphics 1 GB DirectX 11 Video Card (AMD 5570 or NVIDIA 450)
- Disk 17 GB or more
- OS Windows 7 SP1
- Processor Fourth generation Intel Core i5 2.5 Ghz or AMD FX8350 4.0 Ghz or greater
- Memory 8 GB RAM
- Graphics 2 GB DirectX 11 Video Card (AMD 7970 or NVIDIA 770 or greater)
- Disk 17 GB or more
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