Link your 2K Account to the account of the same platform that you use to play Civilization VI (excluding Android) to add one of history's greatest military commanders to the game's roster. Linking your 2K Account also unlocks the option to replace your Scouts' trusty canine companions with clowders of cat explorers!
Once you've linked your 2K Account, you'll need to restart Civilization VI and enable Julius Caesar and the Scout Cat skin. To do so, click Additional Content on the game's main menu followed by Mods, then scroll down through your list of additional content, click on "DLC: Julius Caesar" and "DLC: Scout Cat" then click on the "Enable" button.
Where Civilization VI's default Roman leader Trajan has a penchant for civilizations with lots of territory and starts with a free building in all founded cities, Caesar is a conqueror. His dislike of Barbarians in-game is a nod to the successful campaign he waged against the tribes of Gaul during his time as a general circa 57 BC.

New Ability: Veni, vidi, vici
+300 Gold whenever you conquer a city for the first time or when you earn Gold from a Barbarian Outpost. The Gold becomes 500 after researching Metal Casting and 700 after Steel (on Standard Speed). When targeting Barbarians, receive +5 Combat Strength and always earn normal XP.
How will you choose to lead as Julius Caesar? Perhaps you want to recreate history by allying with Cleopatra? Maybe you relish the prospect of going toe-to-toe with a leader like the German king Frederick Barbarossa, who became Rome's Holy Emperor a millennium and change after Caesar ruled there? Regardless of how you lead, we hope you enjoy playing as and against one of history's greatest military commanders.
Setting up and linking a new 2K Account
Signing up for a 2K Account is easy! Simply go to and register. Once you’ve completed the sign-up, link the account you use to play and boot up Civilization VI. Once in the game, log into your 2K Account.
You can also sign up for a 2K Account in-game. Simply click on the 2K Account button in the bottom right-hand corner of the main menu and then follow the instructions to register a new account.
Linking an existing 2K Account
If you already have a 2K Account, all you need to do is boot up Civilization VI and then log in to your 2K Account via the button in the bottom right-hand corner of the main menu. Once your account is linked, restart Civilization VI to add Caesar and Scout Cat to your game.
*Requires an internet connection, and a 2K Account linked to the account of the same platform used to play Civilization VI. 2K Accounts are free. One per account. Void where prohibited. Terms apply.